Welcome To Our Video Tutorial
Complete Strategy to Start & Grow Your Business In Amazon During Festival Sales Starting From AUGUST to DECEMBER 2019.
Video#1 - Your Complete Roadmap and Strategies To Start In Festival Sales
Your First Step To Start Amazon Business Is ...
I. Requirement To Get Your Business Started
II. Setting Up Your Business From August To December
√AUGUST MONTH (Freedom Sale) – New Seller can start with documentation and Existing seller can work on the strategies mentioned in AMZ Blast videos
√SEPTEMBER MONTH (Navratri Sale)- New Sellers should try to list other 2-3 products. Existing seller should add more products in their store front.
√OCTOBER MONTH (Diwali Sales) – Both sellers should try to add more products and optimise your listing. Work on ads campaign.
√NOVEMBER MONTH (Black Friday & Follow Up Sale) – Work on product stock and purchase product in good quantity.
√DECEMBER MONTH (Christmas & New Year Sale)- Work on your campaign and Don’t make any changes in ads.
Let's move to Product Selection
Video#2- Best Product For This Festival season -
Happy Birthday Combo Pack(ASIN - B077N8QPX6)
Check out Sales Data of this product in our tools
Another Product Video- Revenue 1 Crore
Video#3- Product That Can Generate Business Worth of One Crore - Projector (ASIN - B01KSXQNLS)
Check out Sales Data of this product in our tools